The Zen of Sales

Michael J. Brankin
3 min readJan 18, 2021
Image by Sarah Richter from Pixabay

Over the years I have met many salesmen that view the customer as “the target”. I deliberately didn’t use salespeople here because 99% of the women salespeople I’ve encountered intrinsically understood the concept I’m going to share with you today.

Here’s the first test. Who are you in the photo?

If you are in a position of sales (which we all are by the way) you will look at this photo and instinctively see yourself as the shark, or the Zen Master. Which do you see yourself as?

Truth is, in sales, you need a little of both. You need the shark to have the drive to just keep moving forward, seeking out new opportunity, hungry for the next “bite”.

But when with a customer, that is when you need to switch gears. No customer wants to feel like a chewed up shark meal. Customers can feel when the salesperson is pouncing. Some will back away. Others will comply, cancel, and never come back.

Since going out and getting the “sale” is more of a “just do it” mindset, let’s focus on the other skill. The one I see so often disregarded in the sales process. The Zen of the Sale.

Zen: Insight into the nature of mind, “perceiving the true nature of things”

If you feel your only goal is to convince the customer that they need to buy your product or service, then you are doing…



Michael J. Brankin

Bird Brain. Lover of Life. Sales Craftsman. Father. Husband. World Traveler. Spinner of Tales. Challenger of Ideas. Optimist. Hope Seeker. How Can I Help?